
Friday, May 27, 2016

Oh when the saints

Archangels Edit Michael Raphael Gabriel Unknown Edit Abanoub Al-Nahisy, Child Martyr Abadiu of Antinoe, Bishop of Antinoe 65 Edit Aphrodisius (? – 65), Priest of the Diocese of Béziers, Martyr 258 Edit Lawrence (c. 225–258), Martyr of Rome 304 Edit Saint Afra of Augsburg (? – 304), Martyr 372 Edit Abamun of Tarnut (? – 372), Martyr 536 Edit Agapitus I (? – 536), Pope 543 Edit Benedict of Nursia (c. 480 – 543), canonized in 1220 by Pope Honorius III. 552 Edit Aaron of Aleth (? – 552), Hermit 627 Edit Saint Ame (b.? - 627), canonized in 1049 by Pope Leo IX. 635 Edit Saint Mun (? – 635), Bishop and Hermit 653 Edit Romaric (b.? - 653), canonized in 1049 by Pope Leo IX. 679 Edit Deodatus of Nevers (b.? - ca. 679), canonized in 1049 by Pope Leo IX. 721 Edit John of Beverley (b.? - 721), canonized in 1037 by Pope Benedict IX. 779 Edit Saint Sturm (c. 705 – 779), canonized in 1139 by Pope Innocent II. 784 Edit Vergilius of Salzburg (c. 700 – 784), canonized in 1232 by Pope Gregory IX. 812 Edit William of Gellone (755 – 812 or 814), canonized in 1066 by Pope Alexander II. 814 Edit Charlemagne (b. 742/747/748 – 814), Medieval Frankish King of the Carolingian empire, Holy Roman Emperor – upon prompt by emperor Frederick Barbarossa[1] Canonized in 1166 by Antipope Paschal III, not recognised by the Holy See. Angilbert (c. 760 – 814), canonized in 1100 by Pope Urban II. 816 Edit Pope Leo III (Unknown – 816 AD), canonized in 1673 by Pope Clement X. 827 Edit Adalard of Corbie (751 – 827), canonized in 1024 by Pope John XIX. 865 Edit Paschasius Radbertus (785 – 865), canonized in 1073 by Pope Gregory VII. 868 Edit Pope Nicholas I (c. 800 – 867) canonized in 868 by Pope Adrian II. 926 Edit Wiborada of Saint Gall (St Gallen or 'Sankt-Gall') (b.? - 926), canonized in 1047 by Pope Clement II. 973 Edit Ulrich of Augsburg (890 – 973), canonized in 993 by Pope John XV. 975 Edit Conrad of Constance (c. 900 – 975), canonized in 1123 by Pope Callixtus II. 977 Edit Rudesind (907 – 977), canonized in 1195 by Pope Celestine III. 994 Edit Gerard of Toul (935 – 994), canonized in 1050 by Pope Leo IX. Wolfgang of Regensburg (c.934 – 994), canonized in 1051 by Pope Leo IX. 997 Edit Adalbert of Prague (c. 956 – 997), canonized in 997 by Pope Gregory V. 999 Edit Adelaide of Italy (931-999), Married layperson of the Archdiocese of Burgundy, Queen of Burgundy, canonized 1097 by Pope Urban II. 11th century Edit 1004 Edit Abbo of Fleury (c. 945 – 1004), Archbishop of Oswald (Canonized: ?) 1007 Edit Attilanus (937–1007), canonized in 1095 by Pope Urban II. 1009 Edit Andrew Zorard (c.980 – 1009, 1010, 1030 or 1034), canonized in 1085 by Pope Gregory VII. 1012 Edit Ælfheah of Canterbury (c. 953 – 1012), Archbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of Winchester; canonized in 1078 by Pope Gregory VII. Benedict of Szkalka (b.? - 1012, 1033 or 1037), canonized in 1085 by Pope Gregory VII. 1015 Edit Adelheid of Vilich (c. 970 – 1015, Professed Religious of the Benedictine Nuns (Beatified: January 27, 1966)[citation needed] Vladimir Sviatoslavich (c. 958 – 1015), Grand Prince of Kiev 1016 Edit Simeon of Mantua (9??–1016), canonized in 1016 by Pope Benedict VIII. 1021 Edit Heribert of Cologne (c. 970 – 1021), canonized in 1075 by Pope Gregory VII. 1022 Edit Symeon the New Theologian (949 – 1022), Theologian Bernward of Hildesheim (c. 960 – 1022), canonized in 1193 by Pope Celestine III. 1024 Edit Henry II (973 – 1024), Emperor of Burgundy and Bavaria; canonized in 1146 by Pope Eugene III. 1025 Edit Romuald (c. 951 – c. 1025 or 1027[when?]), canonized in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII. 1026 Edit Bononio (b.? - 1026), canonized in 1026 by Pope John XIX. 1027 Edit Romuald (c. 950 – 1027), canonized in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII. 1031 Edit Emeric of Hungary (c. 1007–1031) canonized in 1083 by Pope Gregory VII. 1035 Edit Symeon of Trier (b. ?980s – 1035), canonized in 1042 by Pope Benedict IX. 1038 Edit Stephen I of Hungary (c. 975 – 1038), Married Layperson of the Archdiocese of Esztergom, King of Hungary; canonized in 1083 by Pope Gregory VII. Emma of Lesum (c. 975-980 – 1038) Gotthard of Hildesheim (960 – 1038), canonized in 1129 by Pope Innocent II. 1040 Edit Cunigunde of Luxembourg, OSB (c. 975 – 1040), canonized in 1200 by Pope Innocent II. 1045 Edit Sigfrid of Sweden (b.? - 1045), canonized in (date unknown) by Pope Adrian IV. 1046 Edit Gerard of Csanád (980 – 1046), canonized in 1083 by Pope Gregory VII. 1053 Edit Procopius of Sázava (c. 970 – 1053), canonized in 1204 by Pope Innocent III. 1054 Edit Pope Leo IX (1002–1054), canonized in 1082 by Pope Gregory VII. 1057 Edit Íñigo of Oña (b.? - 1057), canonized in 1259 by Pope Alexander IV. 1060 Edit Adamo Abate (c. 990 – c. 1060–1070), Professed religious of the Benedictines 1066 Edit Theobald of Provins (1033–1066), canonized in 1073 by Pope Alexander II. Edward the Confessor (1003–1066), canonized in 1161 by Pope Alexander III. 1070 Edit Godelina (c. 1049–1070), canonized in 1084 by Pope Urban II. 1073 Edit Abraham of Rostov (b.? - d.1073 to 1077), Monk Antipas (Anthony of the Caves) (c. 983-1073), Cofounder of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra John Gualbert (985 or 995 – 1073), canonized in 1103 by Pope Celestine III. William of Roskilde (da) (b.? - 1073 or 1074), canonized in 1224 by Pope Honorius III. 1075 Edit Erlembald (b.? - 1075) canonized in 1095 by Pope Urban II. Anno II (Anno II of Cologne), (c. 1010–1075), canonized in 1186 by Pope Lucius III. 1079 Edit Stanislaus of Szczepanów (1030–1079), canonized in 1253 by Pope Innocent IV. 1081 Edit Bernard of Menthon (c. 1020–1081), Professed Religious of the Canons Regular of Saint Augustine; canonized in 1681 by Pope Innocent XI. 1085 Edit Hildebrand of Sovana, Pope Gregory VII, (c. 1015–1085), Pope; canonized in 1728 by Pope Benedict XIII. 1086 Edit Canute IV of Denmark (c. 1042–1086), canonized in 1101 by Pope Paschal II. 1087 Edit Arnold of Soissons (c. 1040–1087), canonized in 1120 by Pope Callixtus II. 1091 Edit Wolfhelm of Brauweiler (b.? - 1091), Professed Priest of the Benedictines 1093 Edit Margaret of Scotland (c. 1045–1093), Married layperson and Queen of Scotland; canonized in 1250 by Pope Innocent IV. 1094 Edit Nicola Pellegrino (1075–1094), canonized in 1098 by Pope Urban II. 1095 Edit Ladislaus I of Hungary (c. 1040–1095), canonized in 1192 by Pope Celestine III. Gerald of Sauve-Majeure (c. 1025–1095), canonized in 1197 by Pope Celestine III. Wulstan (c. 1008–1095), canonized in 1203 by Pope Celestine III. 1099 Edit Osmund (b.? - 1099), canonized in 1457 by Pope Callixtus III. 12th century Edit 1106 Edit Benno of Meissen (c. 1010–1106), canonized in 1523 by Pope Adrian VI. 1109 Edit Peter of Anagni (b.? - 1105), canonized in 1109 by Pope Paschal II. Hugh of Cluny a.k.a. Saint Hugh the Great, (1024–1109), canonized in 1120 by Pope Callixtus II. Anselm of Canterbury (c. 1033–1109), canonized in 1163 by Pope Alexander III. 1111 Edit Robert of Molesme (1028–1111), canonized in 1222 by Pope Honorius III. 1115 Edit Ivo of Chartres (c. 1040–1115), canonized in 1570 by Pope Pius V. 1118 Edit Gerard of Potenza (b.? - 1118), canonized in 1119 by Pope Callixtus II. 1121 Edit Jón Helgi Ögmundarson (1052–1121), canonized in 1201 by Pope Innocent III. 1123 Edit Bruno of Segni, (c. 1047–1123), canonized in 1181 by Pope Lucius III. 1124 Edit Stephen of Muret (1045–1124), canonized in 1189 by Pope Clement III. 1126 Edit Bertrand of Comminges (1050–1126), canonized in 1220 by Pope Honorius III. 1130 Edit Isidore the Laborer (c. 1070 – 1130), canonized in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV. Theresa of Portugal (1080 – 1130), canonized in 1705 by Pope Clement XI. 1131 Edit Canute Lavard (1096–1131), canonized in 1169 by Pope Alexander III. 1132 Edit Hugh of Châteauneuf (1053–1132). canonized in 1134 by Pope Innocent II. 1134 Edit Norbert of Xanten (c. 1080–1134), canonized in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII. Stephen Harding (ca. 1050–1134), canonized in 1623 by Pope Urban VIII. 1135 Edit Belina (b.? - 1135), canonized in 1203 by Pope Innocent III. 1136 Edit Leopold III (1073–1136), canonized in 1485 by Pope Innocent VIII. 1139 Edit Otto of Bamberg (1060 or 1061–1139). canonized in 1189 by Pope Clement III. 1140 Edit Gaucherius (1060–1140), canonized in 1194 by Pope Celestine III. 1142 Edit Berthold of Garsthen (b.? - d. 1142?), Professed priest of the Benedictines (Beatified: January 8, 1970) 1145 Edit Bellinus (b.? - 1145), canonized by Pope Eugene IV. 1148 Edit Malachy O'More (1095–1148), canonized in 1190 by Pope Clement III. 1153 Edit Bernard of Clairvaux (1090–1153), Reformer of the Cistercian Order; canonized in 1174 by Pope Alexander III. 1154 Edit William Fitzherbert (b.? - 1154), canonized in 1226 by Pope Honorius III. Stephen of Obazine (1085 – 1154), canonized in 1701 by Pope Clement XI. 1156 Edit Henry of Uppsala (b.? - c. 1156), canonized in 1158 by Pope Adrian IV. 1157 Edit William of Maleval (b.? - 1157), canonized in 1202 by Pope Innocent III. 1158 Edit Rögnvald Kali Kolsson (Ronald) (c. 1103–1158)), Layperson of the Diocese of Caithness; canonized in 1192 by Pope Celestine III. Guarinus of Palestrina (c. 1080–1158), canonized in 1159 by Pope Alexander III. 1159 Edit John of Meda (John of Como) (1100–1159), canonized in ca. 1170 by Pope Alexander III. 1160 Edit Ubald of Gubbio (c. 1084–1160), Bishop of Gubbio; canonized in 1192 by Pope Celestine III. Helena of Skövde (c. 1101–1160), canonized in 1164 by Pope Alexander III. Rainerius (c. 1115 or 1117–1160), canonized by Pope Alexander III. 1165 Edit Adalgott (b.? - 1165), Bishop of Chur 1170 Edit Thomas Becket (b. 1119 or 1120–1170), Archbishop of Canterbury; canonized in 1173 by Pope Alexander III. 1174 Edit Peter of Tarentaise (1102–1174), canonized in 1191 by Pope Celestine III. 1179 Edit Hildegard of Bingen (1098–1179), Professed religious of the Benedictine Nuns; beatified in 1326, canonized in 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI), Doctor of the Church in 2012. 1180 Edit Lorcán Ua Tuathail (a.k.a. Lawrence O’Toole) (1128–1180), canonized in 1225 by Pope Honorius III. 1181 Edit Galgano Guidotti (1148–1181), canonized in 1185 by Pope Lucius III. 1192 Edit Albert of Louvain (1166–1192), canonized in 1621 by Pope Paul V. 1196 Edit Meinhard (b.1134 or 1136–1196), Professed priest of the Canons Regular of Saint Augustine, Bishop of Latvia; canonized in 1993 by Pope John Paul II. 1197 Edit Homobonus of Cremona (b.? - 1197), canonized in 1199 by Pope Innocent III. 13th century Edit 1200 Edit Hugh of Lincoln (1135/40 – 1200), canonized in 1220 by Pope Honorius III. 1201 Edit William of Perth (b.? – c. 1201), canonized in 1256 by Pope Alexander IV. 1208 Edit Julian of Cuenca (1127–1208), canonized in 1594 by Pope Clement VIII. 1209 Edit William de Donjeon (c. 1155–1209), canonized in 1218 by Pope Honorius III. 1212 Edit Felix of Valois (1127–1212), canonized in 1262 by Pope Urban IV. 1213 Edit John of Matha (1160–1213), canonized in 1266 by Pope Alexander VII. 1218 Edit Franca Visalta (1170–1218), canonized in 1273 by Pope Gregory X. 1220 Edit Berard of Carbio (b.? - 1220), canonized in 1481 by Pope Sixtus IV. 1221 Edit Dominic de Guzman (1170–1221), canonized in 1234 by Pope Gregory IX. 1222 Edit Abraham of Smolensk (b. 12th century – c. 1222), canonized in 1549 by Pope Paul III. 1226 Edit Francis of Assisi (1181/1182 – 1226), Italian Roman Catholic friar and preacher; canonized in 1228, by Pope Gregory IX. 1227 Edit Daniel and Companions (died 10 October 1227), canonized in 1516 by Pope Leo X. 1231 Edit Anthony of Padua (1195–1231), canonized in 1232 by Pope Gregory IX. 1234 Edit William Pinchon (1175–1234), canonized in 1247 by Pope Innocent IV. 1235 Edit Elizabeth of Hungary (1207–1235), patron saint of the homeless, blessed by St. Francis of Assisi, associated with the Third Order of St. Francis, first saint associated with roses through the miracle of the roses; canonized in 1235 by Pope Gregory IX. 1240 Edit Edmund Rich (1175–1240), canonized in 1246 by Pope Innocent IV. Raymond Nonnatus (1204–1240), canonized in 1657 by Pope Alexander VII. Serapion of Algiers (1179 – 1240), canonized in 1728 by Pope Benedict XIII. 1243 Edit Hedwig of Silesia (1174–1243), canonized in 1267 by Pope Clement IV. Bernat Calbó (c. 1180 – 1243), canonized in 1710 by Pope Clement XI. 1251 Edit Rose of Viterbo, T.O.S.F. (c. 1233–1251), canonized in 1457 by Pope Callixtus III. 1252 Edit Peter of Verona, O.P. (a.k.a. Peter "Martyr" of Verona) (1206–1252), canonized in 1253 by Pope Innocent IV. Ferdinand III of Castile (1199 or 1201–1252), canonized in 1671 by Pope Clement X. 1253 Edit Clare of Assisi (1194–1253), canonized in 1255 by Pope Alexander IV. Richard de Wych (1197–1253), canonized in 1262 by Pope Urban IV. 1256 Edit Peter Nolasco (1189–1256), canonized in 1628 by Pope Urban VIII. 1257 Edit Hyacinth of Poland (ca. 1185–1257), canonized in 1594 by Pope Clement VIII. 1260 Edit Boniface of Lausanne (1183 – 1260), canonized in 1702 by Pope Clement XI. 1267 Edit Sylvester Gozzolini (1177–1267), canonized in 1598 by Pope Clement VIII. 1270 Edit Louis IX of France (1214–1270), canonized in 1297 by Pope Boniface VIII. 1272 Edit Zita of Lucca (c. 1212 – 1272), canonized in 1696 by Pope Innocent XII. 1274 Edit Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274), canonized in 1323 by Pope John XXII. Bonaventure (1221–1274), canonized in 1482 by Pope Sixtus IV. 1275 Edit Raimundo de Penafort (c. 1175–1275) Spanish Dominican friar; canonized in 1601 by Pope Clement VIII. 1282 Edit Benvenutus Scotivoli (b.? - 1282), canonized in 1284 by Pope Martin IV. Thomas de Cantilupe (c. 1218–1282), canonized in 1320 by Pope John XXII. 1285 Edit Philip Benizi de Damiani (1233–1285), canonized in 1671 by Pope Clement X. 1292 Edit Kinga of Poland (1224 – 1292), canonized in 1690 by Pope Alexander VIII. 1296 Edit Pope Celestine V (a.k.a. Peter Celestine) (1215–1296), canonized in 1313 by Pope Clement V. 1297 Edit Louis of Toulouse (1274–1297), canonized in 1317 by Pope John XXII. Margaret of Cortona, T.O.S.F. (1247 – 1297), canonized in 1728 by Pope Benedict XIII. 14th century – 16th century Edit 1302 Edit Sancha of Portugal (1264 – c. 1302), canonized in 1705 by Pope Clement XI. 1303 Edit Ivo of Kermartin, T.O.S.F. (1253–1303), canonized in 1347 by Pope Clement VI. 1304 Edit Pedro Armengol (c. 1238 - 1304), canonized in 1687 by Pope Innocent XI . 1305 Edit Nicholas of Tolentino (c. 1246–1305), canonized in 1447 (or 1446) by Pope Eugene IV. 1307 Edit Albert of Sicily (c. 1240–1307), canonized in 1476 by Pope Sixtus IV. 1317 Edit Agnes of Montepulciano, O.P. (1268 – 1317), canonized in 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII. 1310 Edit Humility (c. 1226 – 1310), canonized in 1720 by Pope Clement XI. 1323 Edit Elzéar of Sabran (1285–1323), canonized in 1370 by Pope Urban V. 1336 Edit Elizabeth of Portugal (1271–1336), canonized in 1625 by Pope Urban VIII. 1341 Edit Juliana Falconieri O.S.M., (1270 – 1341), canonized in 1737 by Pope Clement XII. 1345 Edit Peregrine Laziosi (c. 1260 – 1345), canonized in 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII. 1351 Edit Conrad of Piacenza (c. 1290–1351), canonized in 1625 by Pope Urban VIII. 1373 Edit Bridget of Sweden (1303–1373), canonized in 1391 by Pope Boniface IX. Andrew Corsini (1302–1373), canonized in 1629 by Pope Urban VIII. 1379 Edit John Twenge (1319–1379), canonized in 1401 by Pope Boniface IX. 1380 Edit Catherine of Siena (1347–1380), canonized in 1461 by Pope Pius II. 1381 Edit Catherine of Sweden (c. 1332–1381), canonized in 1484 by Pope Innocent VIII. 1393 Edit John of Nepomuk (c. 1345 – 1393), canonized in 1729 by Pope Benedict XIII. 1419 Edit Vincent Ferrer, O.P. (1350–1419), canonized in 1455 by Pope Callixtus III. 1429 Edit Joan of Arc (1412–1429), French heroine and martyr; canonized in 1920 by Pope Benedict XV. 1436 Edit Francesca Bussa de Ponziani (1384–1436), Married layperson of the Vicariate of Rome; canonized in 1608 by Pope Paul V. 1440 Edit Frances of Rome (1384–1440), canonized in 1608 by Pope Paul V. 1444 Edit Bernardino of Siena (1380–1444), canonized in 1450 by Pope Nicholas V. 1456 Edit John of Capistrano (1386 – 1456), canonized in 1690 by Pope Alexander VIII. Lawrence Giustiniani (1381 – 1456), canonized in 1690 by Pope Alexander VIII. 1459 Edit Antoninus of Florence (1389–1459), canonized in 1523 by Pope Adrian VI. 1463 Edit Didacus of Alcalá (c. 1400 – 1463), canonized in 1588 by Pope Sixtus V. Catherine of Bologna (1413 – 1463), canonized in 1712 by Pope Clement XI. 1476 Edit James of the Marches, O.F.M. (ca. 1391 – 1476), canonized in 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII. 1479 Edit John of Sahagún (1419 – 1479), canonized in 1690 by Pope Alexander VIII. 1484 Edit Casimir (1458–1484), canonized in 1521 by Pope Leo X. 1507 Edit Francis of Paola (1416–1507), canonized in 1519 by Pope Leo X. 1510 Edit Catherine of Genoa (1447 – 1510), canonized in 1737 by Pope Clement XII. 1515 Edit Joseph of Volokolamsk (1439 or 1440–1515), canonized in 1578 by Pope Gregory XIII. 1547 Edit Cajetan (1480–1547), canonized in 1671 by Pope Clement X. 1548 Edit Juan Diego (1474 – 1548), is the first Roman Catholic indigenous American saint;[2] canonized in 2002 by Pope John Paul II. 1550 Edit John of God (1495 – 1550), canonized in 1690 by Pope Alexander VIII. 1552 Edit Francis Xavier, S.J. (1506 – 1552), canonized in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV. 1555 Edit Thomas of Villanova (1488–1555), canonized in 1658 by Pope Alexander VII. 1562 Edit Peter of Alcantara (1499–1562), canonized in 1669 by Pope Clement IX. 1568 Edit Stanislaus Kostka, S.J. (1550 – 1568), canonized in 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII. 1572 Edit Francis Borgia (1510 – 1572), canonized in 1670 by Pope Clement X. Pope Pius V (1504 – 1572), canonized in 1712 by Pope Clement XI. 1581 Edit Louis Bertrand, O.P., (1526–1581), canonized in 1671 by Pope Clement X. 1582 Edit Teresa of Ávila (1515 – 1582), canonized in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV. 1584 Edit Charles Borromeo (1538–1584), canonized in 1610 by Pope Paul V. 1587 Edit Felix of Cantalice (1515 – 1587), canonized in 1712 by Pope Clement XI. 1591 Edit John of the Cross, O.C.D. (1542 – 1591), canonized in 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII. Aloysius Gonzaga, S.J. (1568 – 1591), canonized in 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII. 1592 Edit Paschal Baylon (1540 – 1592), canonized in 1690 by Pope Alexander VIII. 1595 Edit Philip Neri (1515 – 1595), canonized in 1622 by Pope Gregory XV. 17th century Edit 1606 Edit Turibius of Mongrovejo (1538 – 1606), canonized in 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII. 1607 Edit Maria Magdalena de Pazzi (1566–1607), canonized in 1669 by Pope Clement IX. 1608 Edit Andrew Avellino (1521 – 1608), canonized in 1712 by Pope Clement XI. 1610 Edit Francis Solanus, O.F.M. (1549 – 1610), canonized in 1726 vy Pope Benedict XIII. 1617 Edit Rose of Lima, T.O.S.D., (1586–1617), canonized in 1671 by Pope Clement X. 1619 Edit Lawrence of Brindisi (1559–1619), canonized in 1881 by Pope Leo XIII. 1622 Edit Francis de Sales (1567–1622), canonized in 1665 by Pope Alexander VII. 1637 Edit Lorenzo Ruiz (c. 1600–1637), canonized in 1987 by Pope John Paul II. 1640 Edit John Francis Regis (1597 – 1640), canonized in 1737 by Pope Clement XII. 1645 Edit Mariana de Jesús de Paredes, Layperson of the Archdiocese of Quito, Member of the Secular Franciscans; venerated in 1776, beatified in 1853, canonized in 1950 by Pope Pius XII. Juan Macias, Professed religious of the Dominicans; venerated in 1762, beatified in 1837, canonized in 1975 by Pope Paul VI. 1651 Edit Virginia Centurione Bracelli (1587–1651), canonized in 2003 by Pope John Paul II. 1660 Edit Vincent de Paul (1581 – 1660), canonized in 1737 by Pope Clement XII. 1663 Edit Joseph of Cupertino, O.F.M. Conv. (Giuseppe Desa) (1603 – 1663), canonized in 1767 by Pope Clement XIII. 1667 Edit Bernard of Corleone (1605–1667), canonized in 2001 by Pope John Paul II. 1672 Edit Pedro Calungsod (ca.1654–1672), canonized in 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1680 Edit Kateri Tekakwitha (ca.1656–1680), canonized in 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1682 Edit Claude de la Colombière, SJ (1641–1682), canonized in 1992 by Pope John Paul II. 1690 Edit Marguerite Marie Alacoque (1647–1690), canonized in 1920 by Pope Benedict XV. 18th century Edit 1700 Edit Marguerite Bourgeoys (1620–1700), canonized in 1982 by Pope John Paul II. 1708 Edit François de Laval, (1623–1708), canonized in 2014 by Pope Francis. 1709 Edit Nicholas Longobardi (1650–1709), canonized in 2014 by Pope Francis. 1711 Edit Joseph Vaz (1651–1711), canonized in 2015 by Pope Francis. 1713 Edit Giuseppe Maria Tomasi (1649–1713), canonized in 1986 by Pope John Paul II. 1728 Edit Rose Venerini (1656–1728), canonized in 2006 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1729 Edit Thomas of Cori, OFM (1655–1729), canonized in 1999 by Pope John Paul II. 1736 Edit Jeanne Delanoue (1666–1736), canonized in 1982 by Pope John Paul II. 1742 Edit Francis Fasani (1681–1742), canonized in 1986 by Pope John Paul II. 1744 Edit Maria Crescentia Höss (1682–1744), canonized in 2001 by Pope John Paul II. 1750 Edit Crispin of Viterbo (1668–1750), cannonized in 1982 by Pope John Paul II. 1770 Edit Ignatius of Santhià (1686–1770), canonized in 2002 by Pope John Paul II. 1771 Edit Marguerite d’Youville (1701–1771), canonized in 1990 by Pope John Paul II. 1784 Edit Junípero Serra (1713–1784), canonized in 2015 by Pope Francis. 1787 Edit Felix of Nicosia (1715–1787), canonized in 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI. 19th century Edit 1812 Edit Egidio Maria of Saint Joseph (Francis Anthony Postillo) (1729–1812), canonized in 1996 by Pope John Paul II. 1820 Edit Clemens Maria Hofbauer (Johannes Hofbauer; Klemens Maria) (1751–1820), Professed priest of the Redemptorists; venerated in 1876, beatified in 1888, canonized in 1909 by Pope Pius X. 1821 Edit Elizabeth Ann Seton (1774–1821), Widow, founder of the Daughters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul, Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, Sisters of Charity of Seton Hill, Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of Halifax, Sisters of Charity of Saint Vincent de Paul of New York, and Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth of New Jersey; venerated in 1959, beatified in 1963, canonized in 1975 by Pope Paul VI. 1822 Edit Antônio de Sant'Anna Galvão (Antonio of Saint Anne) (1739–1822), Professed priest of the Franciscan Friars Minor; venerated in 1997, beatified in 1998, canonized in 2007 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1824 Edit Vincent Strambi (Vincenzo Maria of Saint Paul) (1745–1824), Professed priest of the Passionists, Bishop of Macerata; venerated in 1894, beatified in 1925, canonized in 1950 by Pope Pius XII. 1835 Edit Magdalene of Canossa (1774–1835), canonized in 1988 by Pope John Paul II. 1837 Edit Claudine Thévenet (Mary of St. Ignatius) (1774–1837), canonized in 1993 by Pope John Paul II. 1840 Edit Jean-Gabriel Perboyre (1802–1840). canonized in 1996 by Pope John Paul II. Marcellin Champagnat (1789–1840), canonized in 1999 by Pope John Paul II. 1852 Edit Marie-Guillemette-Emilie de Rodat (1787–1852), Founder of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Villefranche; venerated in 190, beatified in 1940, canonized in 1950 by Pope Pius XII. Rose Philippine Duchesne (1769–1852), Professed religious of the Society of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; venerated in 1935, beatified in 1940, canonized in 1988 by Pope John Paul II. Ignazia Verzeri (Teresa Eustochio), Founder of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus; venerated in 1922, beatified in 1946, canonized in 2001 by Pope John Paul II. 1853 Edit Gaspar Bertoni (1777–1853), canonized in 1989 by Pope John Paul II. 1854 Edit Émilie de Villeneuve (1811–1854), canonized in 2015 by Pope Francis. 1855 Edit Ludovico of Casoria (1814–1855), canonized in 2014 by Pope Francis. 1856 Edit Mother Théodore Guérin (1798–1856), canonized in 2006 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1857 Edit Dominic Savio (1842–1857), canonized in 1954 by Pope Pius XII. 1858 Edit Benedetta Cambiagio Frassinello (1791–1858), canonized in 2002 by Pope John Paul II. Nimattullah Kassab Al-Hardini (1808–1858), canonized in 2004 by Pope John Paul II. 1860 Edit Gaetano Errico (1791–1860), canonized in 2008 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1861 Edit Charles-Joseph-Eugene de Mazenod (1782–1861). canonized in 1995 by Pope John Paul II. 1862 Edit Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows (1838–1862), canonized in 1920 by Pope Benedict XV. 1865 Edit Paola Elisabetta Cerioli (1816–1865), canonized in 2004 by Pope John Paul II. 1866 Edit Maria De Mattias (1805–1866), canonized in 2003 by Pope John Paul II. 1869 Edit Narcisa de Jesús (1832–1869), canonized in 2008 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1870 Edit Clelia Barbieri (1847–1870), canonized in 1989 by Pope John Paul II. 1871 Edit Kuriakose Elias Chavara (1805–1871), canonized in 2014 by Pope Francis. 1875 Edit Francisco Coll Guitart (1812–1875), canonized in 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1876 Edit Maria Rosa Molas y Vallvé (1815–1876), canonized in 1988 by Pope John Paul II. 1877 Edit Marie-Azélie Guérin Martin (1831–1877), canonized in 2015 by Pope Francis. 1878 Edit Mariam Baouardy (1846–1878), canonized in 2015 by Pope Francis. 1879 Edit Jeanne Jugan (1792–1879), canonized in 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1880 Edit Maria Giuseppa Rossello (Benedetta Rossello; Maria Giuseppa), (1811–1880), Founder of the Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy; venerated in 1936, beatified in 1938, canonized in 1949 by Pope Pius XII. 1881 Edit Daniel Comboni (1831–1881), canonized in 2003 by Pope John Paul II. 1882 Edit Paula Frassinetti (1809–1882), canonized in 1984 by Pope John Paul II. 1884 Edit Luigi Scrosoppi (1804–1884), canonized in 2001 by Pope John Paul II. 1888 Edit Giovanni Antonio Farina (1803–1888), canonized in 2014 by Pope Francis. 1889 Edit Paula Montal Fornes de San Jose de Calasanz (1799–1889), canonized in 2001 by Pope John Paul II. Father Damien (Damien de Veuster) (1840–1889), canonized in 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1893 Edit Charles of Mount Argus (1821–1893), canonized in 2007 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1894 Edit Agostina Livia Pietrantoni (1864–1894), canonized in 1999 by Pope John Paul II. Caterina Volpicelli (1839–1894), canonized in 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI. Louis Martin (1823–1894), canonized in 2015 by Pope Francis. 1895 Edit Joseph Marello (1844–1895), canonized in 2001 by Pope John Paul II. Zygmunt Szczęsny Feliński (1822–1895), canonized in 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1896 Edit Enrique de Ossó y Cercelló (1840–1896), canonized in 1993 by Pope John Paul II. Jacques Berthieu (1838–1896), canonized in 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1897 Edit Marie-Francoise-Therese Martin (1873–1897), Professed religious of the Discalced Carmelite nuns; venerated in 1921, beatified in 1923, canonized in 1925 by Pope Pius XI. 1898 Edit Marie-Eugénie de Jésus (1817–1898), canonized in 2007 by Pope Benedict XVI. Saint Charbel (1828–1898), canonized in 1977 by Pope Paul VI. 20th century Edit 1900 Edit Leonardo Murialdo (1828–1900), Priest of the Archdiocese of Turin, founder of the Congregation of Saint Joseph; venerated in 1961, beatified in 1963, canonized in 1970 by Pope Paul VI. 1901 Edit Josep Manyanet i Vives (1833–1901), canonized in 2004 by Pope John Paul II. 1902 Edit Maria Goretti (1890–1902), Child of the Diocese of Albano; venerated in 1945, beatified in 1947, canonized in 1950 by Pope Pius XII. Agostino Roscelli (1818–1902), canonized in 2001 by Pope John Paul II. 1903 Edit Geltrude Comensoli (1847–1903), canonized in 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1905 Edit Bonifacia Rodríguez y Castro (1837–1905), canonized in 2011 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1906 Edit Ezequiel Moreno y Díaz (1848–1906), canonized in 1992 by Pope John Paul II. Adelaide Brando (1856–1906), canonized in 2015 by Pope Francis. 1907 Edit Raphael Kalinowski, OCD (1835–1907), canonized in 1991 by Pope John Paul II. 1908 Edit Joseph Freinademetz (1852–1908), canonized in 2003 by Pope John Paul II. 1909 Edit Arnold Janssen (1837–1909), canonized in 2003 by Pope John Paul II. Mary MacKillop (1842–1909), canonized in 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1910 Edit Miguel Febres Cordero (1854–1910), canonized in 1984 by Pope John Paul II. 1911 Edit María del Monte Carmelo Sallés y Barangueras (1848–1911), canonized in 2012 by Pope John Paul II. 1912 Edit María Josefa of the Heart of Jesus Sancho de Guerra (1842–1912), canonized in 2000 by Pope John Paul II. Arcangelo Tadini (1846–1912), canonized in 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI. Candida Maria of Jesus (1845–1912), canonized in 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1913 Edit Giovanni Battista Piamarta (1841–1913), canonized in 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1914 Edit Benedict Menni, OH (1841–1914), canonized in 1999 by Pope John Paul II. Rafqa Pietra Choboq Ar-Rayès (1832–1914), canonized in 2001 by Pope John Paul II. Leonie Françoise de Sales Aviat (1844–1914), canonized in 2001 by Pope John Paul II. Jose Gabriel del Rosario Brochero (1840–1914), canonized in 2016 by Pope Francis. 1915 Edit Luigi Guanella (1842–1915), canonized in 2011 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1916 Edit Albert Chmielowski (Albert of Kraków) (1845–1916), canonized in 1989 by Pope John Paul II. 1917 Edit Mutien-Marie Wiaux, FSC (1841–1917), canonized in 1989 by Pope John Paul II. Vincenzo Grossi (1845–1917), canonized in 2015 by Pope Francis. 1918 Edit Marianne Cope (1838–1918). canonized in 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1920 Edit Teresa de Jesus de los Andes (Juana Fernández Solar) (1900–1920), canonized in 1993 by John Paul II. 1923 Edit Józef Bilczewski (1860–1923), canonized in 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1924 Edit Józef Sebastian Pelczar (1842–1924), canonized in 2003 by Pope John Paul II. 1925 Edit Anna Schäffer (1882–1925), canonized in 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1927 Edit Giuseppe Moscati (1880–1927), canonized in 1987 by Pope John Paul II. 1928 Edit Jose Sanchez del Rio (1913–1928), canonized in 2016 by Pope Francis. 1929 Edit José María Rubio (1864–1929), canonized in 2003 by Pope John Paul II. 1930 Edit Riccardo Pampuri, O.H. (1897–1930) canonized in 1989 by Pope John Paul II. 1931 Edit Guido Maria Conforti (1865–1931), canonized in 2011 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1932 Edit Angela of the Cross (1846–1932), canonized in 2003 by Pope John Paul II. 1934 Edit Brother Cyrill Bertrán and 8 Companions (+1934), canonized in 1999 by Pope John Paul II. Innocencio of Mary Immaculate (1887–1934), canonized in 1999 by Pope John Paul II. 1936 Edit Pedro Poveda Castroverde (1874–1936), canonized in 2003 by Pope John Paul II. 1937 Edit Jaime Hilario Barbal (1889–1937), Canonized in 1999 by Pope John Paul II. André Bessette (1845–1937), Canonized in 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1938 Edit Faustina Kowalska (1905–1938), Apostle of Divine Mercy, Nun, Mystic; canonized in 2000 by Pope John Paul II. 1939 Edit Ursula Ledóchowska (1865–1939), canonized in 2003 by Pope John Paul II. 1940 Edit Luigi Orione (1872–1940), canonized in 2004 by Pope John Paul II. 1941 Edit Maximilian Kolbe, OFM (1894–1941), canonized in 1982 by Pope John Paul II. 1942 Edit Leopold Mandić (1866–1942), canonized in 1983 by Pope John Paul II. 1946 Edit Alphonsa Muttathupadathu (1910–1946), canonized in 2008 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1947 Edit Josephine Bakhita (1869–1947), Sudanese-born former slave who became a Canossian Religious Sister; canonized in 2000 by Pope John Paul II. 1949 Edit Laura of Saint Catherine of Siena (1874–1949), canonized in 2013 by Pope Francis. 1952 Edit Alberto Hurtado (1901–1952), canonized in 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI. 1954 Edit Giovanni Calabria (1873–1954), canonized in 1999 by Pope John Paul II. 1955 Edit Katharine Drexel (1858–1955), canonized in 2000 by Pope John Paul II. 1956 Edit Genoveva Torres Morales (1870–1956), canonized in 2003 by Pope John Paul II. 1957 Edit Elizabeth Hesselblad (1870–1957), canonized in 2016 by Pope Francis. 1962 Edit Gianna Molla (1922–1962), Italian pediatrician, canonized in 2004 by Pope John Paul II. 1963 Edit Gaetano Catanoso (1879–1963), canonized in 2005 by Pope Benedict XVI. Pope John XXIII (1881–1963), canonized in 2014 by Pope Francis. 1968 Edit Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) (1887–1968), Franciscan friar, priest, stigmatist, and mystic; canonized in 2002 by Pope John Paul II. 1974 Edit Maravillas de Jesús (1891–1974), canonized in 2003 by Pope John Paul II. 1975 Edit Josemaría Escrivá (1902–1975), canonized in 2002 by Pope John Paul II. 1976 Edit 1996 Edit 1997 Edit Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu (Mother Teresa) (1910–1997), Founder of the Missionaries of Charity; venerated in 2002, beatified in 2003, canonized in 2016 by Pope Francis. 1998 Edit María de la Purísima Salvat Romero (1926–1998), a Spanish Roman Catholic nun; canonized in 2015 by Pope Francis. 1999 Edit 21st century Edit 2000 Edit 2001 Edit 2002 Edit 2005 Edit Karol Jozef Wojtyla (1920–2005), Pope John Paul II (Venerated: December 19, 2009) (Beatified: May 01, 2011) (Canonized: April 27, 2014)

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Computer Makers


@Xi Computer Corporation
@Xi Computer
ABS Computer Technologies (Parent: Newegg)
Packard Bell
ADEK Industrial Computers
Amiga, Inc.
A-EON Technology
ACube Systems Srl
Hyperion Entertainment
Alienware (Parent: Dell)
AMAX Information Technologies
Arnouse Digital Devices Corp (ADDC)
AXIOO International
BOXX Technologies, Inc.
Chassis Plans
Chip PC
Sager Notebook Computers
Crystal Group
Cybernet Computer Inc.
Cooler Master
CyberPower PC
Cybertron PC
Wyse Technology
Digital Storm
Doel (computer)
Elitegroup Computer Systems (ECS)
Evans & Sutherland
Falcon Northwest
Fusion Red
Founder Technology
Groupe Bull
Grundig (Parent: Arçelik)
Hewlett-Packard (HP)
Jetta International
Kontron AG
Lanner Electronics
LanSlide Gaming PCs
MDG Computers
Mesh Computers
Micro-Star International (MSI)
Micro Center
Motion Computing
Origin PC
Positivo Informática
Puget Systems
Quanta Computer
Sapphire Technology
Sharp Corporation
Tadpole Computer
V3 Gaming PC
Velocity Micro
Overdrive PC
VIA Technologies
Virus Computers Inc.
VT Miltope
Zombie PC

Companies that have ceased production

Acorn Computers
Alliant Computer Systems - Ceased operations in 1992.
Altos Computer Systems - acquired by Acer in 1990.
Amdahl Corporation - A wholly owned subsidiary of Fujitsu since 1997.
Apollo Computer - Acquired by Hewlett-Packard in 1989.
Apricot Computers - ceased operations in 1999.
Ardent Computer - Merged with Stellar Computer to form Stardent in 1989.
AST Computers, LLC - Exited the computer market in 2001.
Atari Corporation
Bell & Howell
Burroughs - Merged with Sperry to form Unisys in 1986.
Celerity Computing - Acquired by Floating Point Systems in 1988.
Commodore International - declared bankruptcy in 1994.
Compaq - Acquired by Hewlett-Packard in 2002. Defunct as a subsidiary as of 2010.
CompuAdd - filed for bankruptcy in 1993.
Computer Automation
Control Data Corporation (CDC) - Shrank as units were spun off from 1988 to 1992; remainder is now Ceridian.
Convex Computer - purchased by Hewlett-Packard in 1995
Corona Data Systems - among the original "IBM PC Compatible" clone makers
Data General - was one of the first minicomputer firms from the late 1960s, purchased by EMC in 1999 for its innovative RAID array storage.
Digital Equipment Corporation - Acquired by Compaq in 1998.
Durango Systems Corporation merged with Molecular Systems in 1982 which went bankrupt in 1984
Eagle Computer - ceased operations in 1986.
Eckert–Mauchly Computer - Acquired by Remington Rand in 1950.
Elonex — Sells tablets (as of 2011)
Encore Computer - Acquired by Gores Technology Group in 1998 and renamed to Encore Real Time Computing, which Gores then sold to Compro Computer Services in 2002.
English Electric - merged into International Computers Limited.
eMachines - Discontinued by its current owner Acer in 2012.
Everex - US subsidiary closed its doors in 2009.
Evesham - merged into TIME Computers.
Franklin Computer Corporation - exited computer hardware business and reorganized into Franklin Electronic Publishers.
Gateway - Acquired by Acer in October 2007
General Electric - Sold its computer division to Honeywell in 1970.
Gericom - Acquired by Quanmax then merged with S&T
Gould Electronics - Sold its computer division to Nippon Mining in 1988, who in turn sold it to Encore Computer later that year.
HCL - Ceased PC manufacturing.
Honeywell - Sold its computer division to Groupe Bull in 1991.
International Computers and Tabulators (ICT) - merged into International Computers Limited.
International Computers Limited (ICL) - now part of Fujitsu.
Kaypro - filed for bankruptcy in 1992.
Leading Edge - Mid '80s leader in PC Clone for the masses - Manufacturing done first by Mitsubishi then Daewoo
Luxor AB - Ended in 1986 after being acquired by Nokia the previous year.
Magnuson Computer Systems - filed for bankruptcy in the early 1980s.
Maxdata (Germany) - Insolvent in 2008; warranty for existing products taken over by then the Swiss Belinea AG (see Belinea), now owned by Bluechip Computer. Warranty for Belinea products purchased before 1 November 2008 is not serviced anymore by Bluechip Computer.[1]
Mitsubishi Electronics - Closed computer systems division in 1990 Manufactured systems for Leading Edge and Sperry-Unisys
MPC (formerly MicronPC) - Filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy on November 7, 2008. Efforts at reorganization failed.
Multiflow Computer - Ceased operations in 1990.
NeXT - acquired by Apple Computer in 1996.
Nixdorf Computer - Acquired by Siemens in 1991, renamed Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG.
Northgate Computer Systems - Acquired by Lan Plus in 1997, after filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 1994; Lan Plus later renamed itself Northgate Innovations.
Osborne Computer - Ceased operations in 1985; rights to the Osbourne brand were sold to Mikrolog.
Packard Bell - is now a subsidiary of Acer.
Prime Computer - acquired by Parametric Technology Corporation.
Processor Technology - Ceased operations in 1979.
Psystar - Under 2009 permanent injunction to stop selling computers with Apple's Mac OS X operating system. Psystar's web site has disappeared.
Pyramid Technology - Acquired by Siemens in 1995.
Quantex Microsystems - Bankrupt in 2000.
Radio Shack
RCA - Exited the computer business in 1971; Sperry Rand took over RCA's installed base in 1972.
Research Machines - Exited manufacturing in late 2013. Brand continues as a services company.
Remington Rand - Acquired by Sperry to form Sperry Rand in 1955.
Sanyo - bought out by Panasonic
Scientific Data Systems - Acquired by Xerox in 1969.
Sequent Computer Systems - Acquired by IBM in 1999.
Siemens - Computer division (Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG) merged 50/50 with Fujitsu into Fujitsu Siemens Computers in 1999, then Siemens half bought by Fujitsu in 2009.
Silicon Graphics - acquired by Rackable Systems in 2009, when Rackable then re-branded to SGI.
Sinclair Research - acquired by Amstrad in 1986.
Solbourne Computer - Acquired by Deloitte Consulting in 2008.
Sperry - Merged with Burroughs to form Unisys in 1986.
Sperry Rand - Dropped "Rand" from its name in 1978 and continued as Sperry.
Stardent - Ceased operations in 1992.
Sun Microsystems - Acquired by Oracle Corporation in 2010.
Systems Engineering Laboratories - Acquired by Gould Electronics in 1981 and became Gould's computer division.
Tandon Corporation
Tandy Corporation - Previous parent company of RadioShack, produced the TRS-80 and Tandy 1000 and 2000 IBM PC compatible computers. Sold their computer division to AST Computers in the early 1990s.
Tiny Computers - merged into TIME Computers.
Texas Instruments
TriGem Computer - Declared bankrupt in 2012
Averatec - Averatec subsidiary goes out of business in 2012.
Tulip Computers - changed its name to Nedfield NV in 2008, pronounced bankrupt on 3 September 2009.
Vigor Gaming (USA) - Disappeared in March 2010
Wang Laboratories - acquired by Getronics in 1999.
Wipro - Ceased PC manufacturing.
Xerox - Exited the computer business.
Zenith Data Systems - Merged With Packard Bell and NEC in 1996
Zeos - merged into MPC Corporation in 1996, which in turn filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in 2008.
Zepto Computers A/S (Denmark) - On 17 November 2009 Zepto Computer was declared bankrupt, after several tries to save the company.

Monday, May 23, 2016

FIFA Soccer World Cup winners and losers

Year Winner Final score Loser 

1930 Uruguay 4–2 Argentina 

1934 Italy 2–1 Czechoslovakia 

1938 Italy 4–2 Hungary 

1950* Uruguay 2–1 Brazil 

1954 West Germany 3–2 Hungary 

1958 Brazil 5–2 Sweden 

1962 Brazil 3–1 Czechoslovakia 

1966 England 4–2 West Germany

1970 Brazil 4–1 Italy 

1974 West Germany 2–1 Netherlands 

1978 Argentina 3–1 Netherlands 

1982 Italy 3–1 West Germany 

1986 Argentina 3–2 West Germany

1990 West Germany 1–0 Argentina

1994 Brazil 0–0 Italy

1998 France 3-0 Brazil 

2002 Brazil 2–0 Germany 

2006 Italy 1–1 France 

2010 Spain 1–0 Netherlands 

2014 Germany 1–0 Argentina

Sunday, May 8, 2016



Yves Castaldi
Zahia Dehar


Gustavo Cadile
Jazmín Chebar
Alan Faena
Franc Fernandez
Paco Jamandreu
Dalila Puzzovio
Carla Rigg
Vanessa Seward
Pilar Zeta


Prue Acton
Peter Alexander
Rosemary Armstrong
Jenny Bannister
Zara Bate
Lucas Bowers
Leigh Bowery
Linda Britten
Ray Brown
Claudia Chan Shaw
Susien Chong
Christopher Chronis
Kay Cohen
John Crittle
Liz Davenport
Collette Dinnigan
Leona Edmiston
Christopher Essex
Harlette De Falaise
Ms. Fitz (Claire Fitzsimmons)
Frederick Fox
Camilla Freeman-Topper
Enid Gilchrist
Joshua Goot
Juli Grbac
Alannah Hill
Jessie Hill
Lisa Ho
Linda Jackson
Peter Jackson
Beril Jents
Rebecca Judd
Jenny Kee
Bettina Liano
Jacob Luppino
Toni Matičevski
Peter Morrissey
Alex Perry
Anthony Pittorino
Neville Quist
Amber Renae
Joe Saba
Bruno Schiavi
Paula Stafford
Ruth Tarvydas
Sophia Tolli
Andy Truong
Richard Tyler
Erica Wardle
Lisa Xu


Werner Baldessarini
Sigmar Berg
Hattie Carnegie
Emilie Louise Flöge
Rudi Gernreich
Helmut Lang
Monah Li
Birgit C. Muller
Ruth Rogers-Altmann
Nettie Rosenstein


Bibi Russell




Dirk Bikkembergs
Veronique Branquinho
Liz Claiborne
Jules-François Crahay
Angele Delanghe
Ann Demeulemeester
Diane von Fürstenberg
Martin Margiela
Bruno Pieters
Cathy Pill
Elvis Pompilio
Fernando Sánchez
Raf Simons
Olivier Strelli
Olivier Theyskens
Kris Van Assche
Walter Van Beirendonck
Dries van Noten
Edouard Vermeulen


Monica Moss
Beatriz Canedo Patiño


Haad (Adnan Hajrulahović)


Camila Alves
Zuzu Angel
Bruno Basso
Alexandre Birman
Barbara Casasola
Igor Cavalera
Francisco Costa
Tufi Duek
Alexandre Herchcovitch
Clodovil Hernandes
Lorenzo Merlino
Alessandra Meskita
Carlos Miele
Inacio Ribeiro
Amir Slama
Carlos Tufvesson
Ocimar Versolato


Myléna Atanassova
Viliana Georgieva


Brian Bailey
Dean and Dan Caten
Simon Chang
Dov Charney
Edison Chen
Patrick Cox
John Fluevog
Sunny Fong
Ariel Garten
Tara Jarmon
Lloyd Klein
Jeremy Laing
Avril Lavigne
Edeline Lee
Dan Liu
Linda Lundström
Paul Minichiello
Erdem Moralioğlu
Sid Neigum
Marie-Paule Nolin
Arnold Scaasi
Alfred Sung
Collin Thompson
Liz Vandal
Shannon Wilson
Adrian Wu

Cayman Islands

Tigerlily Hill

Central African Republic

Adeline André


Maria Cornejo


Flora Cheong-Leen
Betty Clemo
Kenny Ho
Ma Ke
Titi Kwan
Eddie Lau
Henry Lau
Helen Lee
Chris Liu
Masha Ma
Kevin Poon
Vivienne Poy
John Rocha
Vivienne Tam
William Tang
Oscar Udeshi
Bowie Wong
Lan Yu


Haider Ackermann
Esteban Cortázar
Nina Garcia
Francesca Miranda
Silvia Tcherassi


Boris Banović
Damir Doma
Mandali Mendrilla
Ottavio Missoni


Fabiola Arias
Isabel Toledo


Mustafa Aslanturk
Hussein Chalayan
Nicolas Petrou

Czech Republic

Zika Ascher
Zuzana Kralova


Malene Birger
Erik Brandt
Margit Brandt
Charlotte Eskildsen
Julie Fagerholt
Bente Hammer
Peter Ingwersen
Peter Jensen
Tülin Şahin
Aage Thaarup
Henrik Vibskov
Ole Yde
Zeena Zaki

Dominican Republic

Sully Bonnelly
Monica Boyar
José Durán
Hernan Lander
Oscar de la Renta
Jackie Sencion
Manuel Tarrazo


Roberto de Villacis


Gaby Aghion
Caroline Charles
Jean Dessès


Amsale Aberra
Fikirte Addis


Antti Asplund
Riitta Immonen
Maija Isola
Samu-Jussi Koski
Teuvo Loman
Vuokko Nurmesniemi


Sophie Albou
Gerard Albouy
Joseph Altuzarra
Jérémy Amelin
Christian Audigier
Dominique Aurientis
agnès b.
Vitaldi & Maurice Babani
Pierre Balmain
Jean Barthet
Rose Bertin
Marc Bohan
Vera Borea
Vanessa Bruno
Marie-Louise Bruyère
Herminie Cadolle
Serge Cajfinger
the Callot Soeurs
Pierre Cardin
Marie-Louise Carven
Oleg Cassini
Louis-Marie de Castelbajac
Coco Chanel
Christofle Charvet
Marcelle Chaumont
Louise Chéruit
André Courrèges
Lilly Daché
Christophe Decarnin
Rehane Yavar Dhala
Mohamed Dia
Christian Dior
Georges Doeuillet
Marcelle Dormoy
Jacques Doucet
Benoît-Pierre Emery
Nicole Farhi
Jacques Fath
Louis Féraud
Julien Fournié
Inès de La Fressange
Maud Frizon
Jean Paul Gaultier
Nicolas Ghesquière
Hubert de Givenchy
Madame Grès
Jacques Guarrigue-Lefèvre
Anne Valérie Hash
Daniel Hechter
Jacques Heim
Bouchra Jarrar
Christophe Josse
Charles Jourdan
Michel Klein
Romain Kremer
Bernard Lacoste
René Lacoste
Christian Lacroix
Frédéric Luca Landi
Jeanne Lanvin
Ted Lapidus
Guy Laroche
Alexis Lavigne
Lucien Lelong
Lolita Lempicka
Hervé Leroux
Julie de Libran
Juliette Longuet
Christian Louboutin
Serge Lutens

Alexis Mabille
Catherine Malandrino
Alain Manoukian
Natacha Marro
Paul Mausner
Frank Mechaly
Rodolphe Menudier
Simone Mirman
Claude Montana
Germaine Monteil
Gilles Montezin
Roland Mouret
Thierry Mugler
Jeanne Paquin
Jean Patou
André Perugia
Phoebe Philo
Paloma Picasso
Josiane Maryse Pividal
Paul Poiret
Lola Prusac
Louis Réard
Caroline Reboux
Jane Régny
Cecile Reinaud
Julia Restoin Roitfeld
Jacqueline de Ribes
Marcel Rochas
Stéphane Rolland
Michèle Rosier
Maggy Rouff
Olivier Rousteing
Francois Russo
Sonia Rykiel
Claude Saint-Cyr
Hélène de Saint Lager
Yves Saint Laurent
Jean-Louis Scherrer
Maxime Simoëns
Dominique Sirop
Hedi Slimane
Ginette Spanier
Franck Sorbier
Sophie Theallet
Éric Tibusch
Ramdane Touhami
Emanuel Ungaro
Alexandre Vauthier
Madeleine Vionnet
Roger Vivier
Louis Vuitton
Catherine Walker
Yiqing Yin


Lako Bukia
Keti Chkhikvadze
Irene Galitzine
Demna Gvasalia
David Koma
Irakli Nasidze
Aka Nanitashvili
Tatuna Nikolaishvili
Irina Shabayeva


Torsten Amft
Barbara Becker
Gunda Beeg
Anna Ben-Yusuf
Willy Bogner, Sr.
Willy Bogner, Jr.
André Borchers
Hugo Boss
Gregor Clemens
Adolf Dassler
Rudolf Dassler
Barbara Engel
Susanne Erichsen
Egon von Fürstenberg
Eric Gaskins
Robert Geller
Eva Gronbach
Uli Herzner
Claudia Hill
Mr. John
Wolfgang Joop
Heidi Klum
Mychael Knight
Karl Lagerfeld
Christian Lagerwaard
Frank Leder
Sonja de Lennart
Otto Lucas
Tomas Maier
Michael Michalsky
Rudolph Moshammer
Friedia Niimura
Heinz Oestergaard
Philipp Plein
Adolf Riedl
Christian Roth
Boris Bidjan Saberi
Jil Sander
Stefan Szczesny
Tilmann Wröbel
Noah Wunsch


Tetteh Adzedu
Kofi Ansah


John Galliano


Jean Dessès
Kiki Divaris
Yiannis Evangelides
Mary Katrantzou
Sophia Kokosalaki
Panos Papadopoulos
George Stavropoulos
Elena Votsi
Sotirios Voulgaris


Berny Martin


Etienne Aigner
Lea Gottlieb
Zoltán Herczeg
Žuži Jelinek
Mariska Karasz
Judith Leiber
Edina Ronay
Adrienne Vittadini


Guðmundur Jörundsson


Erum Ali
Manish Arora
Bhanu Athaiya
Dhruv Kapoor
Rohit Bal
Nachiket Barve
Ritu Beri
Troy Costa
Anita Dongre
Shivaji Dutta
James Ferreira
Surily Goel
Shantanu Goenka
Masaba Gupta
Omi Gurung
Asma Hussain
Payal Jain
Anand Kabra
Beena Kannan
Naeem Khan
Shabina Khan
Anamika Khanna
Radhika Khanna
Rohit Khosla
Sandeep Khosla
Paresh Lamba
Anand Jon
Tanya Ling
Neeta Lulla
Manish Malhotra
Asmita Marwa
Rahul Mishra
Sabyasachi Mukherjee
Aki Narula
Shaina NC
Pritam Panda
Agnimitra Paul
Raghavendra Rathore
Wendell Rodricks
Sheila Scotter
Anjana Seth
Kalpana Shah
Mana Shetty
Satish Sikha
AD Singh
Anna Singh
Govind Kumar Singh
Rajesh Pratap Singh
Tarun Tahiliani
JJ Valaya
Suneet Varma
Rohit Verma
Nidhi Yasha


Anne Avantie
Ardistia Dwiasri
Selphie Bong
Sapto Djojokartiko
Sebastian Gunawan
Obin (Josephine Komara)
Oscar Lawalata
Yovita Meta
Tex Saverio
Peter Sie
Auguste Soesastro
Heaven Tanudiredja
Iwan Tirta
Biyan Wanaatmadja


Ray Aghayan
Haman Alimardani
Pegah Anvarian
Nima Behnoud
Cleopatra Birrenbach
Shirin Guild
Arefeh Mansouri
Sareh Nouri
Bijan Pakzad
Behnaz Sarafpour
Sanaz Shirazi
Zahra Yarahmadi
Maral Yazarloo
Mahla Zamani


Reem Alasadi
Hana Sadiq
Salim al-Shimiri


John Cavanagh
Sybil Connolly
Paul Costelloe
Michael Donnellan
Daniel Kearns
Louise Kennedy
Lainey Keogh
Daryl Kerrigan
Orla Kiely
Miriam Mone
Digby Morton
Don O'Neill
Jacqueline Quinn
Ciaran Sweeney
Pauric Sweeney
Philip Treacy
Sharon Wauchob


Yigal Azrouël
Ronen Chen
Lea Gottlieb
Ronen Jehezkel
Ronny Kobo
Galia Lahav
Nili Lotan
Thea Porter
Sruli Recht
Yotam Solomon
Elie Tahari
Pnina Tornai
Ruti Zisser


Loris Abate
Edina Altara
Giorgio Armani
Renato Balestra
Rocco Barocco
Laura Biagiotti
Giuliana Camerino
Rene Caovilla
Ennio Capasa
Roberto Capucci
Domenico Caraceni
Roberto Cavalli
Emilio Cavallini
Nino Cerruti
Marco Coretti
Claudio and Carlalberto Corneliani
Ugo Correani
Enrico Coveri
Brunello Cucinelli
Antonio D'Amico
Alessandro Dell'Acqua
Domenico Dolce
José Eisenberg
Alessandra Facchinetti
James Ferragamo
Salvatore Ferragamo
Gianfranco Ferré
Alberta Ferretti
Nicola Finetti
Elio Fiorucci
Graziella Fontana
Micol Fontana
Zoe, Micol & Giovanna Fontana
Stefano Gabbana
Giancarlo Giammetti
Frida Giannini
Romeo Gigli
Adriano Goldschmied
Guccio Gucci
Rossella Jardini
Sara Jovanović
Agostino Lanfranchi
Angelo Litrico
Gianfranco Lotti

Bruno Magli
Mariuccia Mandelli
Achille Maramotti
Valeria Marini
Alviero Martini
Germana Marucelli
Anna Molinari
Bianca Mosca
Franco Moschino
Massimo Osti
Cesare Paciotti
Carlo Palazzi
Anita Pallenberg
Pietro Loro Piana
Stefano Pilati
Mario Prada
Miuccia Prada
Emilio Pucci
Nina Ricci
Sergio Rossi
Renzo Rosso
Francesco Rulli
Giorgio di Sant' Angelo
Fausto Sarli
Ferdinando Sarmi
Alessandro Sartori
Andrea Sassetti
Antonia Sautter
Elsa Schiaparelli
Mila Schön
Emilio Schuberth
Francesco Smalto
Luciano Soprani
Sorelle Fontana
Simonetta Stefanelli
Sergio Tacchini
Riccardo Tisci
Nicola Trussardi
Domenico Vacca
Giambattista Valli
Jole Veneziani
Donatella Versace
Gianni Versace
Lucila Mara de Vescovi Whitman
Fabrizio Viti
Carla Zampatti
Giuseppe Zanotti
Ermenegildo Zegna
Italo Zucchelli


Jun Ashida
Tae Ashida
Tsumori Chisato
Tsuyoshi Domoto
Limi Feu
Nicola Formichetti
Sayo Hayakawa
Eiko Ishioka
Akira Isogawa
Masato Jones
Rei Kawakubo
Takeo Kikuchi
Michiko Koshino
Eri Matsui
Akina Minami
Issey Miyake
Hanae Mori
Kiyoharu Mori
Tayuka Nakanishi
Hirooko Naoto
Tadashi Shoji
Daiki Suzuki
Kenzo Takada
Toshinosuke Takegahara
Novala Takemoto
Akira Takeuchi
Junya Tashiro
Aya Ueto
Junya Watanabe
Sayoko Yamaguchi
Kansai Yamamoto
Yohji Yamamoto
Junko Yoshioka


Rad Hourani


Victoria Gres


Yeojin Bae
Doo-Ri Chung
André Kim
Christina Kim
Elaine Kim
Soojin Lee
Lea Seong
Luke Song
Sang A Yim-Propp
Lee Young-hee
Jean Yu


Chloe Dao


Gints Bude
Katya Shehurina


Reem Acra
Huguette Caland
Georges Chakra
Sonia Fares
Nour Hage
Georges Hobeika
Nicolas Jebran
Rabih Kayrouz
Abed Mahfouz
Zuhair Murad
Robert Abi Nader
Elie Saab
Nemer Saade
Gaby Saliba
Basil Soda
Tony Ward


Lena Himmelstein
Stanislovas Jančiukas
Zita Kreivytė


Risto Bimbiloski
Nikola Eftimov
Marjan Pejoski


Lily Alfonso


Bernard Chandran
Dato' Farah Khan
Jimmy Choo
Rena Koh
Melinda Looi
Richard Rivalee
Rupert Sanderson
Edmund Ser
Nor Aini Shariff
Zang Toi
Alexandrea Yeo


Malamine Koné
Lamine Badian Kouyaté
Chris Seydou


Yuvna Kim


Christian Cota
Manuel Cuevas
Carla Fernández
Paola Hernandez
Eduardo Lucero
Raul Melgoza
Mario Moya
Luz Pavon
John Saldivar
Michelle Torres
José María Torre
Ximena Valero


Michele Bohbot
Jean-Charles de Castelbajac
Alber Elbaz
Joseph Ettedgui
Paul Marciano
Joe Mimran


Shail Upadhya


Wilbert Das
Sharon den Adel
Koos Van Den Akker
Marlies Dekkers
Catta Donkersloot
Lidewij Edelkoort
Olcay Gulsen
Michael van der Ham
Monique van Heist
Iris van Herpen
Viktor Horsting
Percy Irausquin
Addy van den Krommenacker
Fong Leng
Frans Molenaar
Annelies Nuy
Marvin Oduber
Antoine Peters
Jan Taminiau
Rolf Snoeren
Josephus Thimister
Marly van der Velden
Babette Venderbos
Mart Visser
Edgar Vos
Sascha Warmenhoven
Sven Westendorp
Angelique Westerhof

New Zealand

Trelise Cooper
Elisabeth Findlay
Malcolm Harrison
Anouska Hempel
Candy Lane
Flora MacKenzie
Sally Ridge
Rebecca Taylor
Karen Walker


Alphadi (Seidnally Sidhamed)


Folorunsho Alakija
Mai Atafo
Folake Coker
Muma Gee
Ugo Mozie
Amaka Osakwe
Deola Sagoe


Kristian Aadnevik
Kiki Byrne
Anne Helene Gjelstad
Fam Irvoll
William Duborgh Jensen
Andreas Melbostad
Gunhild Nygaard
Pontine Paus
Per Spook


Vaneeza Ahmad
Maheen Ali
Aijaz Aslam
Mehmood Bhatti
Zainab Chottani
Sarah Gandapur
Nadia Hussain
Junaid Jamshed
Maheen Khan
Sadaf Malaterre
Omar Mansoor
Deepak Perwani
Kamiar Rokni
Wardha Saleem
Hassan Sheheryar Yasin


Jamal Taslaq


Federico Visuetti


Michael Cinco
Mich Dulce
Jasper Garvida
Darius B. Gibbs
Sassa Jimenez
Rajo Laurel
Monique Lhuillier
Pitoy Moreno
Josie Natori
Rafé Totengco


Iris von Arnim
Roma Gąsiorowska
Joanna Horodyńska
Barbara Hulanicki
Ewa Minge
Henri Strzelecki
Dawid Tomaszewski
Dawid Woliński
Xymena Zaniewska-Chwedczuk
Maciej Zien


Felipe Oliveira Baptista
Luís Buchinho
Fátima Lopes
Isilda Pelicano

Puerto Rico

Carlota Alfaro
Lisa Thon


Cătălin Botezatu
Ioana Ciolacu
Dorin Negrau
Irina Schrotter


Aslan Ahmadov
Oxana Fedorova
Sultanna Frantsuzova
Natalia Goncharova
Irina Khakamada
Leon Max
Sveta Planman
Kira Plastinina
Alexandre Plokhov
Nicolas Putvinski
Ulyana Sergeenko
Alexey Sorokin
Natalia Valevskaya
Valentin Yudashkin
Slava Zaitsev
Dasha Zhukova

Saudi Arabia

Adnan Akbar
Amina Al Jassim


Oumou Sy


Roksanda Ilincic
Bernat Klein
Marijana Matthäus
Ivana Sert


Lubica Kucerova



South Africa

Marc Bouwer
Gert-Johan Coetzee
Darryl Jagga
Kara Janx
Abigail Keats
Nkhensani Manganyi
Lana Marks
Simon Rademan
Gavin Rajah
David Tlale
David Rosen
Victor Stiebel
Hendrik Vermeulen


Estrella Archs
Amaya Arzuaga
Cristóbal Balenciaga
Elena Benarroch
Elio Berhanyer
Manolo Blahnik
Custo Dalmau
Adolfo Domínguez
Tiziana Domínguez
Mariano Fortuny
Ana González
Gala Gonzalez
Pura Lopez
Rosalía Mera
Manuel Mota
Sita Murt
Manuel Pertegaz
Jesús del Pozo
Paco Rabanne
Ágatha Ruiz de la Prada
Andrés Sardá Sacristán
Felipe Varela

Sri Lanka

Nayana Karunaratne
Ramzi Rahaman
Ruchira Silva
Yasisurie Kiribandara


Agneta Eckemyr
Sighsten Herrgård
Katja of Sweden (Karin Hallberg)
Filippa Knutsson
Hanna Lindberg
Carolina Lindström
Augusta Lundin
Johan Lindeberg
Lars Nilsson
Rebecca Simonsson
Camilla Thulin
Lars Wallin


Marianne Alvoni
Consuelo Castiglioni
Keren Craig
Egon von Fürstenberg
Albert Kriemler
Giuseppe Gustavo 'Jo' Mattli
Robert Piguet
Stefi Talman


Rami Al Ali


Malan Breton
David Chu
Wang Chen Tsai-Hsia


Mustafa Hassanali
Ally Rehmtullah


Phillip Lim
Sirivannavari Nariratana
Thakoon Panichgul


Azzedine Alaia
Max Azria
Loris Azzaro


Bora Aksu
Ece Ege
Nejla Güvenç
Atıl Kutoğlu
Rifat Ozbek
Ece Sükan


Suzan Mutesi


Lubov Azria
Irina Belotelkin
Nudie Cohn
Victoria Gres
Yuliya Polishchuk
Mikhail Voronin
Natasha Zinko

United Arab Emirates

Khalid bin Sultan Al Qasimi
Mona al Mansouri

United Kingdom


Walé Adeyemi
Charlie Allen
Hardy Amies
Samata Angel
Murray Arbeid
Christopher Bailey
Jon Baker
Maureen Baker
William Baker
Sheridan Barnett
Neil Barrett
Luella Bartley
John Bates
Victoria Beckham
Beatrice Bellini
Zaida Ben-Yusuf
Linda Bennett
Judy Bentinck
Antonio Berardi
Sara Berman
Celia Birtwell
Ozwald Boateng
Moya Bowler
Christopher Brooke
Felicity Brown
Sheilagh Brown
Thomas Burberry
Sarah Burton
Nigel Cabourn
Antonia Campbell-Hughes
Jane Carr
Robert Cary-Williams
Charlie Casely-Hayford
Joe Casely-Hayford
Caroline Castigliano
Richard Cawley
Elspeth Champcommunal
Georgina Chapman
Sandra Choi
Lindka Cierach
Julia Clancey
Ossie Clark
Suzanne Clements
Sue Clowes
Jasper Conran
Susannah Constantine
Maximillion Cooper
Wayne Cooper
Paul Compitus
Joseph Corré
Cher Coulter
Carolyn Cowan
Charles Creed
Scott Crolla
Neisha Crosland

Wendy Dagworthy
Helen David
George Davies
Nichole de Carle
Giles Deacon
Deborah & Clare
Simon Doonan
Keanan Duffty
Petra Ecclestone
Victor Edelstein
Warren Edwards
Elizabeth Emanuel
Chris Eubank
Clive Evans
Maxime de la Falaise
Loulou de la Falaise
Michael Fish
John Flett
Marion Foale
Graham Fraser
Gina Fratini
Bella Freud
Kimberley Garner
Bay Garnett
Elspeth Gibson
Tom Gilbey
Georgina Godley
Robert Godley
Peter Golding
Paul Gorman
Maria Grachvogel
Patrick Grant
Craig Green
Andrew Groves
Lulu Guinness
Jeremy Hackett
Malcolm Hall
Olivia von Halle
Katharine Hamnett
Elizabeth Handley-Seymour
Norman Hartnell
Terry de Havilland
Doug Hayward
Wayne Hemingway
Scott Henshall
Jayne Hepsibah
Bobby Hillson
Anya Hindmarch
Pam Hogg
David Holah
Henry Holland
Margaret Howell
John Michael Ingram
Janey Ironside
Betty Jackson
Charles James
Richard Jewels
Stephen Jones
Zoe Jordan

Angela Kelly
Sara Kelly
Lulu Kennedy
Cath Kidston
Nicholas Kirkwood
Kesh Kumari
Karolina Laskowska
Derek Lawlor
Angus Lloyd
Pearl Lowe
Rupert Lycett Green
M.I.A (Maya Arulpragasam)
Alice McCall
Pat McDonagh
Gerald McCann
Stella McCartney
Christopher McDonnell
Flora McLean
Alexander McQueen
Keir Malem
Edward Mann
Hannah Marshall
Nasir Mazhar
Tamara Mellon
Douglas Millings
Deborah Milner
Edward Molyneux
Catherine Murray di Montezemolo
Carri Mundane
Trevor Myles
Christopher Nemeth
Stella Mary Newton
Richard Nicoll
Richard Nott
Sonja Nuttall
Bruce Oldfield
Charlotte Olympia
Beatrix Ong
Jenny Packham
Gladys Emma Peto
Katie Perry
Arabella Pollen
Alice Pollock
Mark Powell
Nigel Preston
Antony Price
Gareth Pugh
Mary Quant

Christopher Raeburn
Michael Rainey
Edward Rayne
Catherine Rayner
John Redfern
John Reed-Crawford
Janet Reger
Kate Reily
Zandra Rhodes
John Richmond
Jeffrey Rogers
Charlotte Ronson
Peter Russell
David Sassoon
Adrien Sauvage
Janie Schaffer
Christopher Shannon
Michael Sherard
David Shilling
Graham Smith
Nick Smith
Paul Smith
Richard Smith
Tim Soar
Philip Somerville
Simon Spurr
Claire Stansfield
Tomasz Starzewski
Stevie Stewart
Stuart Stockdale
Helen Storey
Ian Stuart
Dan Sullivan
John Sutcliffe
Oliver Sykes
Lucy Tammam
Alice Temperley
William Tempest
Ian Thomas
Teddy Tinling
Rachel Trevor-Morgan
Sally Tuffin
Julie Verhoeven
Stuart Vevers
Diana Vickers
Amanda Wakeley
Gok Wan
Sophia Webster
James Wedge
Peter Werth
Kim West
Vivienne Westwood
Paddy Whitaker
Matthew Williamson
Louise Wilson
Trinny Woodall
Charles Frederick Worth
Ada Zanditon


John Boyd
William Chambers
Philip Colbert
Holly Fulton
Bill Gibb
Christopher Kane
Michelle Mone
Jean Muir
Eunice Olumide
Ronald Paterson
Ray Petri
Jonathan Saunders
Stuart Trevor


Laura Ashley
Jeff Banks
Martin Wilding Davies
David Emanuel
Timothy Everest
Xander Kostroma
Kate Lambert
Julien Macdonald
Nina Morgan-Jones
Tommy Nutter
Jayne Pierson

United States

Osceola Macarthy Adams
Joseph Abboud
Ray Aghayan
Lanie Alabanza-Barcena
Steven Alan
Larry Aldrich
Jason Alkire
Cindy Ambuehl
Spencer Antle
Pegah Anvarian
Kevin Aviance
Anya Ayoung-Chee
Mark Badgley
Xenobia Bailey
John Bakel
Jeffrey Banks
Travis Banton
Jhane Barnes
Dennis Basso
Michael Bastian
Suede Baum
Geoffrey Beene
Bill Belew
Hunter Bell
Henri Willis Bendel
Stacey Bendet
Laura Bennett
Susan Bennis
Fonzworth Bentley
Chris Benz
Robyn Berkley
James Pasqual Bettio
Jonas Bevacqua
Bibhu Mohapatra
Jeanne Bice
Richard Blackwell
Bill Blass
Mildred Blount
Main Bocher
Stevie Boi
Krayzie Bone
Waraire Boswell
Tony Bowls
Rosemary Brantley
Tom Brigance
Helen Brockman
Bonnie Broel
Gessica Brooke
Donald Brooks
Thom Browne
Sabrina Bryan
Morris Bublick
Dana Buchman
Tory Burch
Stephen Burrows
Jon Buscemi
Lauren Bush
Ebenezer Butterick
Amanda Bynes

Jean Cacicedo
Lilian Cahn
Joan Calabrese
Eva Camacho-Sánchez
Carlos Campos
Vince Camuto
Ruth Sacks Caplin
Albert Capraro
Alex Carleton
Elizabeth Carpenter
Kelly Carrington
Bonnie Cashin
Kristin Cavallari
Sal Cesarani
Richard Chai
Angel Chang
Alabama Chanin
Ceil Chapman
Reco Chapple
Monika Chiang
Margaret Cho
Andrew Christian
Matthew Christopher
Claw Money
James Clifford
Kenneth Cole
Sean Combs
Dennis Comeau
Cristi Conaway
Lauren Conrad
Mandy Coon
Michael Costello
Jeffrey Costello
Caresse Crosby
Laura Dahl
Eric Daman
Debra Davenport
Ellen Louise Demorest
Jane Derby
Lyn Devon
Hilary Duff
Charlie Dunn
Alison Eastwood
Marc Ecko
Alan Eckstein
Lauren Elaine
Perry Ellis
Diana Eng
Jamison Ernest
Patrik Ervell
George Esquivel
Charles Evans
Lou Eyrich

Baron Von Fancy
Kaffe Fassett
Beverly Feldman
Douglas Ferguson
Abi Ferrin
Erin Fetherston
Andrew Fezza
Lupe Fiasco
Patricia Field
Ron Finley
Eileen Fisher
Edith Flagg
Jared Flood
Alan Flusser
Anne Fogarty
Tom Ford
Roger Forsythe
Daniel Franco
Paul Frank
James Galanos
Katie Gallagher
Jeff Garner
Gladys Geissman
Kayne Gillaspie
Diane Gilman
Sophie Gimbel
Jared Gold
Lori Goldstein
Wes Gordon
Gary Graham
Gabi Grecko
Howard Greer
Henry Grethel
Odessa Warren Grey
Shoshanna Lonstein Gruss
Mondo Guerra
Prabal Gurung
Cassidy Haley
Kevan Hall
George Halley
Tim Hamilton
Susie Schmitt Hanson
Althea Harper
Donwan Harrell
Lorene Harrison
Tinker Hatfield
Julie Haus
Elizabeth Hawes
Christina Hattler
Edith Head
Candice Held
Rose Hemlock
Seth Aaron Henderson
Kimberly Hendrix
Greg Herman
Mila Hermanovski
Lazaro Hernandez
Tommy Hilfiger
Anne T. Hill
Sherri Hill
Nicky Hilton
Susan Holmes
Joe Allen Hong
Jacob H. Horwitz
Stacy Igel

Janet Jackson
Marc Jacobs
Otis James
Sidney Janis
Kendall Jenner
Kylie Jenner
Elisa Jimenez
Daymond John
Kevin Johnn
Betsey Johnson
Gretchen Jones
Kidada Jones
Lauren Jones
Christian Joy
Alexander Julian
Jessica Jung
Bill Kaiserman
Norma Kamali
Karen Kane
Karl Kani
Jen Kao
Emily Kappes
Donna Karan
Kim Kardashian
Khloé Kardashian
Kourtney Kardashian
Herbert Kasper
Rod Keenan
Patrick Kelly
Kathy Kemp
Omar Kiam
Eugenia Kim
Ben King
Muriel King
Joy Kingston
Alexis Kirk
Audrey Kitching
Charles Kleibacker
Anne Klein
Calvin Klein
Jonathan Koon
Beyoncé Knowles
Solange Knowles
Tina Knowles
Michael Kors
Reed Krakoff
Carson Kressley
Michael Kuluva

Wendy L'Belle
Michelle Laine
Derek Lam
Kenneth Jay Lane
Liz Lange
Raun Larose
Kara Laricks
Byron Lars
Ralph Lauren
Nicole M. LeBlanc
Heidi Lee
Helen Lee
Kimora Lee Simmons
Irene Lentz
Nanette Lepore
Asher Levine
Beth Levine
Larry Levine
Matt Levine
Monica Lewinsky
Brian Lichtenberg
Lil Debbie
Carol Lim
Jamie Lim
Adam Lippes
Ben de Lisi
Col. Littleton
Yohanna Logan
Don Loper
Jennifer Lopez
Ron LoVece
Deanna Loveland
Ann Lowe
Parke Lutter
Jenna Lyons
Claire McCardell
Jay McCarroll
Becca McCharen
Jessica McClintock
Jack McCollough
LisaRaye McCoy-Misick
Bradon McDonald
Mary McFadden
Jack Mackenroth
Hogan McLaughlin
Mark McNairy
Leah McSweeney
Bob Mackie
Steve Madden
Leigh Magar
John Malkovich
Adrienne Maloof
Taryn Manning
Margaret Manny
Chris March
Luba Marks
Leanne Marshall
Kelli Martin
Vera Maxwell
Raul Melgoza
Rosie Mercado
Nina Mercedez
Keith Michael
David Meister
Nicole Miller
Nolan Miller
Romeo Miller
Savannah Miller
Sienna Miller
James Mischka
Isaac Mizrahi
Marjorie Montgomery
Heidi Montag
Vincent Monte-Sano
Mandy Moore
Minnie Mortimer
Tinsley Mortimer
Bethany Mota
Mario Moya
Peter Mui
Malini Murjani
Anthony Muto

Tracy Negoshian
Bernard Newman
Albert Nipon
Vanessa Noel
Peggy Noland
Norman Norell
Maggie Norris
Ryan Jude Novelline
Bobbie Nudie
Aubrey O'Day
Melissa Odabash
Todd Oldham
Ashley Olsen
Mary-Kate Olsen
Virgil Ortiz
Jennifer Ouellette
Kimberly Ovitz
Rick Owens
Gladys Parker
Molly Parnis
Russell Patterson
Sylvia Pedlar
Wendy Pepper
Claire Pettibone
Mary Phelps Jacob
Christine Philip
Sarah Phillips
Mary Ping
Maria Pinto
Lawren Pope
Whitney Port
Zac Posen
Clare Potter
Cristiana Proietti
Lilly Pulitzer
Max Raab
Tala Raassi
Randi Rahm
Traver Rains
Natacha Rambova
David Rappaport
Emily Grace Reaves
Nell Donnelly Reed
Wendi Reed
Tracy Reese
Billy Reid
Rose Marie Reid
Edith Reuss
Jessica Rey
Donna Ricco
Santino Rice
Richie Rich
Craig Robinson
Patrick Robinson
Narciso Rodriguez
Ruth Rogers-Altmann
Alice Roi
Darren Romanelli
William Rondina
Helen Rose
Lela Rose
Steven Rosengard
Cynthia Rowley
Rachel Roy
Ralph Rucci

Marie St John
Cynthia Sakai
Sandra Sakata
Kara Saun
Michele Savino
Austin Scarlett
Nicole Scherzinger
Michael Schmidt
Caroline Zoe Schumm
Jeremy Scott
L'Wren Scott
Veronica Scott
Jeffrey Sebelia
Ronaldus Shamask
Eileen Shields
Diggy Simmons
Russell Simmons
Fabrice Simon
Adele Simpson
Jessica Simpson
Rubin Singer
Christian Siriano
Nikki Sixx
Elena Slivnyak
Bill Smith
LaQuan Smith
Michelle Smith
Willi Smith
Peter Som
Soulja Boy
Kate Spade
Peter Speliopoulos
Robert L. Spencer
Stephen Sprouse
Dmitry Steesy
Gwen Stefani
Scott Steinberg
Francesca Sterlacci
Gordon Stevenson
Ellen Stewart
Josie Stevens
Robert Stock
Christopher Straub
Jill Stuart
Shawn Stussy
Tara Subkoff
Anna Sui
Ivy Supersonic
Swizz Beatz
Amir Taghi
Robert Tagliapietra
Gustave Tassell
Tila Tequila
Tere Tereba
Barbara Tfank
Vicky Tiel
Robert Tonner
Pauline Trigère
Van Day Truex
Ivanka Trump
Elaine Turner
Jessie Franklin Turner
David Tutera
Tyler, The Creator

Kay Unger
Zelda Wynn Valdes
Carmen Marc Valvo
Theadora Van Runkle
Gloria Vanderbilt
John Varvatos
Bobby Vaughn
Mike Vensel
Gia Ventola
Louis Verdad
Nick Verreos
Kanye West
Michaele Vollbracht
Daniel Vosovic
Alexander Wang
Vera Wang
Clayton and Flavie Webster
Stuart Weitzman
Carol Hannah Whitfield
Jazmin Whitley
Emily Wilkens
Jeffrey Williams
Pharrell Williams
Kevin Willis
Eva Danielle Wittels
Sherry Wolf
Sue Wong
Jason Wu
Molly Yestadt
Sean Yseult
Karen Zambos
Diva Zappa
Paul Zastupnevich
Rachel Zoe


Nicolas Felizola
Carolina Herrera
Ángel Sánchez
Osmel Sousa


Thuy Diep
Tôn Hiếu Anh
Đặng Thị Minh Hạnh


Odette Krempin
Adama Ndiaye


Liam Fahy